Notes on technique: AoA scroll for Catherine Lorraine of Stonegate Manor

Size: 9x12, with a 1/2-inch matting border.  The knotwork border is 1 inch.


François Thibault, 8-13 March XXXII (plus previous drafts).  My second scroll.


Hand: Insular Majuscule (Drogin).  3/4 mm Brause nib.
Capital: Meehan, Illuminated Letters, taken from the Book of Kells.  2.5 mm Brause nib.  Red dots done with W&N Spectrum Red.
Line spacing: 8mm.
Ink: W&N Black Indian Ink.


Knotwork by Meehan's method.
Paints: W&N Gouaches, Spectrum Red and Sky Blue; Caran D'Ache Gouaches, Golden and White.
Brush: W&N 000 Red Sable.
Lines: Rotring Rapidoliner, 0.35 and 0.25 (because I ran out near the end).
On the large areas of the shield, I used a two-wash method (learned from someone on the scribes mailing list) to make the colors come out smooth.