doxml Manual Version 0.5: doxml_document

$Id: document.html,v 1.7 1999/07/24 22:04:04 francis Exp $

A document is represented in the API by the datatype doxml_document. Its definition is as follows:

typedef struct {
  struct {
    const char* version;
    const char* encoding;
    int standalone; /* trivalue: 0 false, 1 true, -1 unspecified */
  } xml_decl;

  doxml_atom* prolog;

  doxml_atom* root;
} doxml_document;

xml_decl contains data from the document's <?xml?> declaration. version and encoding are NULL if not present in the declaration.

prolog, if non-NULL, is a linked list of atoms, all of which represent processing instructions, which precede the root element in the document.

root is the root element of the document.